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KINnect Salem

Where: Get Air Trampoline Park (3910 Rickey St. SE, Salem, OR 97317)

When: 2/25/23 time TBD

Who: This activity is FREE for separated siblings and their families*

*Transporting providers to this activity are encouraged to bring other youth in their household along to participate. We do ask that an adult stays with each group as this is a public venue and we want to ensure everyone's safety.

Please include the following in your RSVP for each participant:

- First & Last Name

- Age/Birthday

- Sibling(s) Name

- Adult(s) that will be staying & Phone Number

- Additional children attending & Ages

- Height of the children who will be jumping (I need this to purchase the correct ticket)


Please respond to Mollee Carter at to RSVP groups for this activity!

The reason the time is TBD is because we are still waiting for a confirmation on my reservation request, however if there is a time that works best for your group on February 25th, Mollee would be happy to purchase tickets and have them at the front for you! Just let her know in advance so she can make it happen!

February 18

KINnect Portland

March 30

Family Camp 2023 Session 1